Monday 19 September 2011

The Littlest Raindrop

Over the years there have been plenty of rainstorms. Many more then the world could say. There is a legend about one raindrop, who quenched the thirst of a dying King.

Listen to the tale I tell, keep it in your heart so well, so that you can learn to share to give to Love and dwell
on what is good and excellent, one day you'll be so swell.

Now raindrops dance atop the clouds like little Children play. They sing and shout now hold them clout and don't forget to pray. But the littlest raindrop was only a sparkling tear in rainstorms way. Nobody loved her, or even gave her the single time of day.

She was always down with a forlorn frown thinking in her head, what can I do but end up as dew upon some monster's head? She was so small she could barely crawl when the other raindrops ran.
And danced and sang with tambourines upon the land of man.

She kept to herself an empty shelf of things that could not be, If she could cry if she could cry if she could only see. That the Master God has a lovely plan for all of you and me. Never all alone Never goes unknown if walked in humility.

Now God was searching through the clouds for a single precious gem That he could use for the servant King into tapestry did hem. He searched far and wide earth and tide for the water that he'd use,
all the raindrops puckered up for the Lord they could not refuse.

Now the good Lord smiled in His lively style, but then he felt real sad. "I need a raindrop to show my son I love him all the while." The watched him cry all the earth and sky as their King hung on a cross.
All stood quiet at the agony, at the painstaking Holy cos.

Little raindrop came forth into tears she burst, Father please let me quench his thirst.
Just before He died she fell from the heights, onto the tongue of Jesus Christ.

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